Podcaster Resources

How To Create A Podcast Media Kit

So you’ve launched your podcast, you have consistent content, a decent following, and you’re ready to monetize. What’s the best way to take your podcast to the next level? Create a podcast media kit to attract bigger guests, brand partners, and more.

Sponsored episodes and brand partnerships are a great way to earn extra income and create lasting professional relationships, but you do need to put in some effort to secure them.

Make yourself as attractive as possible to potential advertising partners and new guests with an eye-catching and informative podcast media kit. Read on to learn how.

What Is A Media Kit?

Media kits (also called press kits) are typically one to two page bite-size summaries of your podcast, business, product, event, service, etc. Think of it as an electronic brochure. It’s an quick run-down of your show’s highlights and what makes you stand out from the crowd.

For podcasts, media kits need to emphasize the show’s appeal by outlining the mission, message, notable stats, audience figures, and more. While a one to two page summary may not seem like a lot of work, you can save yourself some valuable time by following the steps to create a podcast media kit below:

How To Create A Podcast Media Kit

Step 1: Who, What, Why, Where, When and How

Take out a notebook and start jotting down the answers to the following questions –

Who are you (the host)?

The brand needs to know all about who they will be working with. What is your background/story/experience? What are some of your best interpersonal and professional qualities? Toot your own horn!

What is your podcast’s mission?

Inspiration? Empowerment? What groups do you serve? Is this a personal passion project? Is it a business tool for your larger projects?

Get very clear on the mission of your podcast and put it into a concise two to three sentence summary.

Why do you host this show?

What is your personal connection to the mission of your podcast? What makes you passionate about hosting this show? How can you translate that passion into acting as an intermediary between your listeners and the brand?

Where are you/your listeners located?

Location, location, location. Where are you based? Do you have a ton of local listeners or a unique presence in your community?

Do you have national or even international listeners? How many states/countries are included in your demographics?

Both of these categories are awesome, so figure out where you fit and find a positive spin.

When do you publish?

Are you a daily, weekly, or monthly podcaster? This info is key for brands because it will give them a better idea of the timeline of a potential deal with you. You can work this into the summary of your show.

How can people listen?

One of the most common mistakes we at Ossa see with podcaster media kits is that there aren’t any listen links embedded into the PDF! Don’t forget to link to your feed on Apple, Spotify, your website, or any of your favorite streaming services.

Step 2: Find Your Statistics

Pull up your hosting dashboard and look for about three to five of the best stats to highlight when you create your podcast media kit.

Hint: the big three categories that brands are looking at are your audience numbers, your download numbers (this metric reflects slightly more loyalty than streams), and your primary generation demographic.

Step 3: Design

You don’t have to be a graphic designer to create a sleek, modern, engaging media kit! Canva has plenty of professional layouts that you can use for free to create your podcast media kit.

Take a look at your show’s cover art and try to mirror the style, look, and feel of it so that your brand remains cohesive on all platforms (and so that the advertiser knows that they’re looking at the right show when they click on your listening links).

You can even use Coolors.co to create a color palette from your show’s cover art and go from there.

When you get the overall layout, fonts, and colors down and start to fill in the details, think about how you can creatively illustrate your statistics and mission in particular. Explore different types of graphics, tables, and icons in Canva to get some inspo.

Step 4: Share! Share! Share!

Media kits are the easiest thing to circulate because they’re just a simple attachment to an email, or a downloadable link on your website or newsletter.

Think about any existing contacts you have that might be interested in a new form of partnership (guests, sponsors, etc.) and send a quick check-in email with your podcast media kit as an attachment.

Step 5: Update Every 6 Months (At Least)

Since your statistics are likely to change every few months, make sure you have a living, editable version of your media kit that you can update whenever you have a new partnership on the horizon to make sure they receive your most recent information.

If you don’t have one already, get started on your podcast media kit ASAP to grow your podcast and expand your reach with bigger name partnerships.

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