Podcaster Interviews

Ossa Featured Podcaster: Gretchen Heinen, Host of the Net Worth It Podcast

Ossa podcaster Gretchen Heinen is the host of the Net Worth It podcast, a show focused on helping listeners create wealth through a faith-based lens. Her approach brings together women from all over the world for inspiration and financial empowerment through different avenues such as passive income, launching businesses, asking for promotions, and so much more.

Read more from Gretchen Heinen below and  Net Worth It (leave a review while you’re there, too!).

net worth itName:

Gretchen Heinen

Podcast Name:

Net Worth It

Tell us what your podcast is about in 3 sentences or less! 

The people, resources, tips, tricks and tools to help you grow your legacy.

Current hometown: 

Cottage Grove

Originally From:

Arizona, the best place on earth!

What’s a quote or piece of advice that you try to live by? 

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me.'” – Erma Bombeck

Your Superpower:

Courage. I have proven I am willing to jump out of the plane and build the parachute on the way down. I mean figuratively speaking. haha

One thing on your bucket list:

Interview a female U.S. president on my podcast

Personal Anthem:

For The Love of Money by the O’Jays. It’s all the bad money mindset thoughts we have been taught all put together so you can see that you truly can change your money mindset and not let money be the stopper of your most abundant life.

What was your first job?

Babysitting when I was 11!

Any unusual hobbies? 

I am a foster parent and take in kids who need a temporary place to stay. My husband grew up in foster care and it saved him from going down a dark path so we love giving back when we can.

Biggest Pet Peeve? 

Successful people who are unwilling to pull up people around them and act like everything is a big secret. How about we all just help each other be successful?? There is enough abundance to go around!

What inspired you to start your podcast? 

God woke me up in the middle of the night and told me to start it and exactly what to name it…not like audibly (that would be weirder than this even sounds)…but I knew I was supposed to help people create their financial legacy in that moment. I had spent many nights a few years back wondering if my cell phone bill will come out before my electric bill and tip the balance into the negative and it was so STRESSFUL. Once I knew how to create new money and manage the money I had from escaping, I was committed to helping others do the same. Podcasts are free to listen to. It’s literally access to the greatest minds for FREE!!!! I strive to bring those minds to the listeners.

Tell us more about your work/life outside of your podcast.

I became an entrepreneur by accident at the age of 20 by buying a house and becoming a landlord to my friends. I became obsessed with passive income at that time, bought an apartment building at 25 and became a nurse at 27 and later a business coach once I made a million dollars in my own businesses.

If I can do this, anyone can. I don’t even know basic business terms and my friends with business degrees laugh at how grassroots I market. I’ll take someone with heart and passion any day over an MBA. I currently work both as a nurse as well as run a few businesses. I feel a little like Phil Knight when he was building Blue Ribbon (now Nike) and had a full-time job while he employed other people for his business. I felt so validated when I read Shoe Dog. 🙂

What is your show’s USP?

My laugh. Not even joking. Just that alone can cheer you up on a rainy day. Life is meant to have fun! Every episode I make you laugh, maybe cry, and seriously level up.

What is one of the greatest challenges you have personally faced with your podcast?

Oh man, just one? haha. Well I didn’t learn how to launch until after I launched. I would definitely get 100 reviews in my first week by begging my mom to go ask her friends to review me. haha. That would have helped with discoverability. It’s the number one advice I give anyone starting a show! Get everyone and their neighbor to submit a review!

What was one of your favorite episodes you’ve ever done? Why does it stand out?

The episode where my husband shared his childhood story of foster care. I cried the whole time into the mic. It was beautiful. Listen here.

What is one thing you have accomplished with your podcast thus far that you are most proud of? 

100 episodes and not quitting. For sure that. The people who think podcasting is cute and fun and want to listen to themselves talk rarely last 100 episodes. Those of us who really want to make a difference are in the for the long haul.

What is one major milestone that you would like to accomplish through your podcast in the next year? 

Someone to reach out and tell me that because of the episodes they completely changed their legacy forever.

What is a trend or development in the podcast industry that you foresee happening in the next few years?

I believe we will be getting away from the downloads being the vanity metric. So many people are streaming now on YouTube, Facebook, directly from websites and IG. I don’t think the traditional measure of downloads will be our metric for success. I believe the landscape is changing to be even more accessible and mobile with the information.

What is one of the best pieces of podcast-related advice you’ve ever received & why?

Learn how to ask good questions. Asking better questions is always the solution in life for every problem we face.

What is one of the worst pieces of podcast-related advice you have ever received & why?

I don’t recall getting bad advice. I probably could have done a better job researching before hand. I just jumped in.

What are some of your favorite women-hosted podcasts?

Building Psychological Strength, The Confident Speaker, The Marie Forleo Podcast

Can you tell us about a time when you took a huge risk/did something you were scared to do, and it totally paid off?

Hiring before I felt ready financially. I employ three people to help my in my businesses and have several partners with one of my businesses. Hiring people when I wasn’t even paying myself felt like a stupid move but it was the best thing I ever did. It helped me to enjoy the parts of the business that I was good at, like relationships and sales.

Are there any great podcast-related resources you love that you would like to share?

Yes! Schedule your guests on a Calendly link that will book them right into your calendar. Set up the podcast prep questions on Google Forms and embed that into the confirmation email along with your zoom link and tips about how to have the best sound (have your guest wear ear buds and go in a closet). Use the google form as the template of your questions and show notes and have an assistant take those and write up the show notes with it. Finally hire someone to edit for you on Fiverr and drop all the raw files into a google drive with a pre-recorded intro, outro and commercial promos all ready for that person to drop into the episode for you. Then have your assistant upload it all for you into Libsyn. I have been using this method for a year and can bang out an episode from start to finish in about an hour of time.

Is there a charity or cause you care about that you would like to share?

Yes! Lift Up. 100% of Donations Impact Tangible Projects Join the movement of Lifters transforming lives around the world. Every penny directly impacts communities in need.

How do you feel you’re making a positive impact and generating change through your podcast?

People are gaining the courage to look at their finances in the face and say enough to reckless spending and blindly ignoring it. They are gaining the confidence to start a new business or take a new job or ask for a raise.

Stay connected with Gretchen Heinen and Net Worth It:
Website // Net Worth It Instagram // Gretchen’s Instagram

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